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Sleep Sense Group Coaching


Feeling desperate because your 8-month-old wakes multiple times at night?

Had enough of your toddler taking 3 hours to fall asleep?

When sleep deprived, we are more likely to become:

✓ Over stimulated 

✓ Fatigued 

✓ Irritable 

✓ Forgetful 

Just as we as adults need our sleep so do our babies… Sleep is vital for the processing of skills and learning and it is well documented that babies who don’t sleep well at night are more susceptible to sensory overload or overstimulation the next day.


Ten signs that your child's routine could use some work:


It doesn’t have to be like this… There is a way for you to take control of your baby’s sleep!

Parent Sense is proud to host Sleep Sense Group Coaching, the online sleep solution developed by Infant Specialist, Meg Faure. This infant sleep program caters to the developmental needs and individual circumstances of babies from 4 weeks to 4 years of age.

What does the program include?
  • A downloadable Sleep Sense guide
  • 10 Pre-recorded Masterclasses presented by Meg Faure
  • Weekly Q&A sessions with Meg Faure
  • Daily checklists and prompts to ensure the stage is set for sleep
  • Bonus content in the form of articles, hints and tips
  • Lifetime access to course content
  • Ongoing community support via WhatsApp and Facebook group


Throughout the three weeks, Meg Faure will guide you and be personally available to answer your infant sleep questions. You’ll also be added to a whatsapp support group where you can connect with likeminded parents who are following the program alongside you.

Don’t let sleep deprivation control your life. Take the first step to better sleep for your baby and yourself. Join Sleep Sense Online today.


Meg Faure (BSc OT, OTR) is a well known  Infant Specialist, qualified  Occupational Therapist, and co-author of the Sense series of parenting and baby books, including the best-selling Baby Sense and Weaning Sense books.

Meg is an expert on all things sensory and has lectured internationally on Infant Sensory Integration & Disorders for OTs around the world. 

In 2020, Meg founded Parent Sense – an all-in-one baby app to give new parents a convenient, credible source of information, useful tips and all the secrets to successful parenting in the first precious year of life.


This program consistently delivers infant sleep transformation in as little as three weeks!


Leave this course feeling empowered! Explore the factors that affect sleep, understand awake times and set realistic expectations for night waking.


Rule out underlying causes for sleep issues and teach your baby to sleep through the night in a gentle and supported manner.


Ask questions and access individual advice on getting your baby to sleep through. Receive support via WhatsApp and ongoing Facebook group.


Over the first two weeks, we’ll identify any underlying reasons for sleep problems and explore the factors that affect sleep

We’ll optimize your little one’s daily routine and sleep zone to set the stage for healthy sleep habits, and in the final week, we’ll gently guide your baby to sleep through with our supportive approach.

Introduction to the program and intake form.

Sleep tools

These are the tried and tested tools that I recommend you give your baby, in order for them to  sleep well, from hard items to soft items to medications and music. This is the next step to a full night’s sleep.


When your baby wakes at night you may worry that she is hungry. This can lead to unnecessary habits relating to night feeds.

Step 2 is to understand if your baby is hungry and to meet her nutritional needs in a way that does not interfere with sleep


If your baby is not well – with an infection or a more long-term issue such as eczema, she will not sleep well. This step involves ruling out health issues as a cause of sleep problems.

Sleep zone

Choosing a calm and consistent sleep zone is critical in creating optimal sleep habits.

In step 4 you will determine where your baby should be sleeping.

Sensory diet

The sensory information we take in during the day sets our brains up for sleep.

This step will help you to determine if your baby’s sensory diet is setting her up for sleep.

Day sleeps

Day sleep begets night sleep and is critical in the process of getting a full night sleep.

This step will help you to create a day sleep routine and ensure your baby gets the right amount of sleep for optimal night sleep.

Separation strategies

At certain ages, your baby will resist separations and may need a little help to cope with separations.  Let’s identify if there are emotional reasons why your little one won’t settle. 

Soothing and settling

The strategies that precede sleep are not sleep habits but are positive associations that help the brain to release melatonin and drowsy signals to fall asleep.

Step 8 will help you to keep these healthy and not form unnecessary habits.

Bedtime routine

This covers time for bedtime routine and how to establish a perfect bedtime routine. Step 9 will help you set the stage for sleep

Sleep coaching

Finally you are ready to teach your baby to self sooth. This final step is one of coaching your little one and teaching the life skill of self-regulation to sleep.

Resources, ongoing support and feedback form

What do our past attendees have to say?

MichelleATTENDEE 2021
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Our first born woke multiple times during the night until 18 months of age so when our second son came along we vowed to do things differently. Joining Meg Faure's Sleep Sense course was a lifeline - for the first time I understood where we had gone wrong and how our own bad habits had been affecting our eldest son's sleep. Meg's course helped us establish a great routine with our youngest from the outset and we were able to break the bad habits with our oldest at the same time.
LaurenATTENDEE 2022
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We did this course and it was LIFE CHANGING!! For any Moms or parents who are not sleeping, you need to do this!
LindaATTENDEE 2023
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I would really recommend this course to any caregivers of little ones. Meg shares such useful content and sheds light on many of the surprising factors that could be impacting your child's sleep. The supportive whatsapp group and opportunity to ask specific questions really made the course worthwhile. The sooner you do it the better!
PresilyATTENDEE 2021 & 2022
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I did the sleep course in 2021, and again now, in 2022. I find the course content amazing and Meg provides simple advise to follow. We all just need to let go and listen sometimes 😬 Now that I have an infant and a toddler, I find that the content is so suitable for both ages. I only wish I had tried it with my toddler sooner. Since the first time, there have been too many life stage events or health issues. So happy to have done it again and a big thanks to Meg, Michelle and the team. The app is a also a great addition towards the courses, ease of use.


You can watch the masterclasses in your own time. Q and A sessions take place once per week and users are given sufficient time to ask questions before responses are loaded.

The program is relevant to babies and toddlers aged 3 months to 4 years.

We can issue a simple certificate at your request. It is important to note that this course is not registered for CPD points.

Did you know that sleep is one of the first self-regulatory capabilities of children?

Sleep is critical to your child's development for a multitude of reasons:
• Babies learn best when rested
• Interactions with others are more socially enriched
• You are a better parent when not overtired
• Fatigue leads to irritability
• Poor sleep has been associated with obesity and weight gain