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Your Baby’s Secret Language


Do you know how to read your baby’s cries? Can you predict when she is about to start crying and interpret her gaze?
Although every baby is different, babies share a universal language, a set of signals that tell us how our baby is coping with stimulation and when they have had enough or are becoming over stimulated.


Early parenthood can often feel like navigating through uncharted territory. If you find yourself frustrated at being unable to predict what mood comes next or how to understand your baby, you are in good company!

Most parents battle in the early days to read their baby. But understanding your baby’s mood is critical for soothing him. It will also guide you in understanding when to stimulate your baby and will have a long-term impact on attachment and his self-esteem.

Led by Infant Specialist Meg Faure (BSc.OT.OTR), this masterclass will equip you with the knowledge to interpret your baby’s cues effectively. Learn to decipher the signals your baby displays and gain a deeper understanding of their needs.

Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey to parent with confidence.

Welcome to your Masterclass Introduction to ‘Your Baby’s Secret Language’
Meet Meg Faure (BSc OT,OTR) A Biography of the Course Presenter
UNDERSTAND YOUR BABY’S SECRET LANGUAGE Babies have 6 states and for each state there is a set of signals that parents can recognize that will give clues as to their baby’s needs.
What are the 6 sensory states of infancy? Video masterclass 5:20
How does my baby signal these states? Video Masterclass
COURSE WRAP UP Using your knowledge of your baby’s state and what input is calming versus stimulating, you will be empowered to respond appropriately to stimulate or sooth him.
Recap Summary of the masterclass material

Includes downloadable handbook

Farewell Feedback, resources and references

Meg Faure (BSc OT,OTR) Infant Specialist

Meg Faure is an Occupational Therapist, baby specialist and well-known author & co-author of the Sense series of parenting and baby books, including the best-selling Baby Sense and Weaning Sense books. Meg is an expert on all things sensory and has lectured internationally on Infant Sensory Integration & Disorders for OTs around the world. In 2020, Meg founded Parent Sense – an all-in-one baby app to give new parents a convenient, credible source of information, useful tips and all the secrets to successful parenting in the first precious year of life.